Ranup Lampuan Dance

Ranup Lampuan  dance is one of the traditional dances of Aceh, which is danced by the women. This dance is usually danced to honor and officially welcoming guests. Ranup Lampuan  dance in Aceh, meaning betel in the container (nut).
Ranub is the betel. Puan is Aceh betel nut. A dance background of indigenous people in Aceh, particularly the custom in welcoming guests. In this dance choreography, tells how virgins Aceh betel serve to guests, which moves in the process of picking tells, wrap, put the betel leaf, into Puan, until presenting betel to the guests.

        Ranup Lam Puan dance created by Yuslizar in 1959. Yuslizar Aceh is one of the men who are able to lift the image area to the surface through dance works that result. Yuslizar born in Banda Aceh on July 23, 1937. This dance was originally found only in the municipality of Banda Aceh. But this time the development of this dance has been encountered also in other districts, especially the coastal areas are generally inhabited by the Acehnese. This dance was based back in the habit of the people of Aceh in welcoming and honoring guests. This can be seen symbolically in the motion of the dancers and dance supplies.

 "Ranup" is a "betel", "lam" means "in the" whereas "Puan" is "Cerana" or betel nut, so Ranup Lam Puan literally means "betel in cerana".

       Orderly and smooth motion as an expression of sincerity in accepting the motion tamu.Seperti regards worship, gentle motion laterally right and left-handed swing, is an expression of reverence in the guests invited to sit down and treat betel is a symbol of brotherhood, as the Muqaddimah of any intent in the association community life. In addition to staged, this dance is sometimes held directly at the ceremony welcoming distinguished guests, such as in airports, offices and other pages. This dance is the pull of the 5-7-9 the female dancers to the accompaniment of music cassettes, orchestra, organ, band and traditional musical instruments (serune kale, rapa'i and geundrang).

 Ranup Lampuan Dance Video

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